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The Scene

from Pre-E.P. by L.A Salami

00:00 / 04:28


The queen of spades digs me a grave,
the heaven’s maid halts her charade,
while god points a shotgun at my eye.

The Troubadour has made his way,
his blissfulness and my decay
go together like Lucy and diamonds in the sky.

And the tailors find it hard to tell a lie,
they fix me up a suit made of arrogance and twine,
because I said that I would make the heavens mine,
and that I’d climb over anyone to be
part of the scene.

The Watchman’s weak as mercy goes,
all he can see are how the turncoats blow
a cloud of poison gas right up my nose.

And the music’s only good as far
as the madness and the poorness spar
with the passion that my grandeur drags in tow.

And as the fruits on my tree of labour grow
my boots uproot the agony below.
and the Almoners and the Ushers, they all know
that I’d pose as anything to be
part of the scene.

The advertiser has kind words for me
while the singer’s just been affirmed to me,
with her beauty her ambition and her charm.

But if you play this game you’ll learn a trick,
how to grow a pair and make ‘em stick,
like the tattoo of Bob Dylan on my arm.

Taliesin extends his hand,
he gives me more than I can understand.
he mourns me when I give in
to those lines I’ve drawn in the sand.

He said jump first then decide next where to land,
on a lion’s tongue or in the middle of the sea,
because up-in-the-air’s a place that I can’t stand,
and I’ll be myself if I have to be
to be part of the scene.


from Pre-E.P., released June 17, 2012


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L.A. Salami UK

Lookman Adekunle Salami - ‘L.A. Salami’ - is a rare breed of musician that the world has been craving since the height of storytelling legends like Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon and Neil Young. Not quite folk, not quite indy, not quite common and certainly not boring, L.A. Salami’s lyricism and voice are hypnotic. ... more


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