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Council Bluffs

from Absolute Bearing by Work Drugs

00:00 / 04:34
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the Silver Lake is emptied out
past the double lines that made you real

all the broken promises and the doted lights
that were born waiting on the deal

you're hustling the millionaires for the extra points inside the stars

with red hands pointing up, it's a lonely door you're behind
Johnny's not too far

it's you
when every song has a meaning
and you can't fake your love for me
(some never asked to survive)

going back to Omaha
spy the dirty vans, they're passing through

told me I should double down
but I'll fold my hands till I find you

it's you
when every song has a meaning
and you can't fake your love for me
(some never asked to survive)

who's the loser?

don't cross the border again

we never asked to survive


from Absolute Bearing, released July 10, 2012
Words and music by Benjamin Louisiana and Thomas Crystal

Additional vocals by Aermote aka Rachel K Haines


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Work Drugs Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia's premier Bat Mitzvah and Quincenera party band. For booking / legal / general love notes contact WORKDRUGS AT GMAIL

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