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  • Vinyl

    For the discerning listener we offer music you can touch. We understand you yearn for the continuous groove -- unobscured by pixels and bytes. For you we've created this limited edition, 12" long-play record at 33-and-1/3rd RPM for your hi-fi stereo, USB-enabled turntable, or foldable record player.

    The analog fruit of our hours and hours of labor is pressed into 140gr virgin vinyl wrapped in a 16pt card stock jacket with panoramic album artwork. We felt it crucial to bring you the pleasure of "Don't Let Me Stay" the way it was meant to be experienced. You'll get two sides -- 11 cuts in all -- of brass, maple, alder and air all contained in one, continuous, stereophonic sine wave. It really is a feat of physical beauty. (purchase also includes a digital version, for those inevitable days when the imperative of convenience outweighs the elegance of the physical, analog experience)

    Side A
    1 Time Bomb
    2 The Occupier
    3 Blood Line
    4 Heaven’s Waitress
    ...  more
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $15 USD or more 


  • Vinyl

    This is where you order the 12" vinyl for pickup at a show. You will not be charged shipping, otherwise everything else is the same.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $15 USD or more 


  • CD
    Compact Disc

    The digital version on CD includes all of the songs above plus a bonus track.

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Could you blame me
If I don't trust pretty faces
Let me be the one
To tell you so

Would you hate me
If I wrote you down a story
One I never
Wanted to be told

I don't think I should be going
Anywhere any time soon

Cause there's a time bomb
Ticking over our heads
And there's someone
Sticking inside my heart

Excuse me if we don't
Part ways in anger
Will you let me if
I walk away nice and slow

Will you thank me
If I let you be the writer
Of a story that
I never want to be told


from Don't Let Me Stay, track released March 13, 2012
John Velghe - vocals, acoustic guitar and keyboards; Kirsten Paludan - vocals; Chris Wagner - vocals and bass guitar; Mike Alexander - electric guitars; Go Go Ray - drumset.


all rights reserved



John Velghe Baltimore, Maryland

John Velghe (pronounced Vel-jee) writes songs leaning towards personal narratives and accounts of people he’s met over 20 years of playing and touring. From a friends ex-wife in Austin to a 4-year-old waitress in Lucas, KS to a transvestite railroad worker in Duluth, MN; Velghe populates his songs with real characters who’ve informed personal allegories about escape, transformation and fear. ... more

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