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The Power

from CLOSE TO THE BONE by Army Girls

00:00 / 03:36


So you wonder how it got to this
You can’t be alone
Oh, where was your body last night?
The love of your life will leave you
Leads you out into the light
Then kills you
Hope was just a whisper that night
A soft blow not a strike
Oh I’ll be a good, good wife
And one day all this will haunt you
Till there’s nowhere left
To run to
Oh, this girl who is enamoured with
Who faught for her harder
Wavering until they both
Had gone
The loves in your life are strangers
And you’re bodies the only remainder
Your past, your lack, your cruelty
The power you’ll never have on me


from CLOSE TO THE BONE, track released September 13, 2011


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Army Girls Toronto, Ontario

Army Girls are a Toronto based two piece band. Andy Smith and Carmen Elle began collaborating in early 2010, after playing in numerous bands respectively. They wrote and recorded their debut EP Close To The Bone (Blocks Recording Club) with producer Ben Cook, of the Toronto hardcore band, Fucked Up. ... more

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