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Mystery Jets - "Something Purer"

from The Muse July Sampler by American Songwriter

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Mystery Iets - “Someone Purer” from the album Radlands


I was gripped with a bit of fear
worried the one thing that I loved
back when I was just a kid
might now never be enough
that the body I was in
might belong to someone else

Someone kinder, Someone surer, Someone innocent, young and beautiful
someone purer, that's the one I know

I was scratching at my skin hopin changes would begin
but what laid beneath was blood
well of course what the hell was I thinking of
won't you take me down to the creek wash away our sins of sleep

I feel so tired as though I might
not wake at all on the other side.... that's no way to go.
That’s no way to go.
That’s no way to go.

Oh my dear one
bathe me in your glow

cut out my lonely heart
and bury it in the snow

nothing really means nothing
is the saddest thing I know

so deliver me from sin
and give me rock and roll
Give me rock and roll

And in the morning there'll be hope
and in the morning there'll be light
and if I sleep and dream up a system
a solution
to fend off perils of the night
come on in, I'll be born again
born again as someone else
Someone kinder
Someone surer
Someone beautiful
someone purer

and when I am you'll know
and when I am you'll know
when I am you’ll know
when I am you’ll know

Oh mighty one
the devil knows my name
will salvation come
and wash away my pain?
for I was once a kid
with a pure and innocent soul
so deliver me from sin
and give me rock and roll

Give me rock and roll
Give me rock and roll
a pure and innocent soul
and a pure and innocent soul

Give me rock and roll
Give me rock and roll
and a pure and innocent soul
and a pure and innocent soul

Pure and innocent soul
Pure and innocent soul


from The Muse July Sampler, track released June 27, 2012
Written by Blaine Harrison, William
Rees, Henry Harrison, and S.R. Harper © 20l2 Truthpaste Records, Transgressive via Warner
Chapel Publishing


all rights reserved



American Songwriter Nashville, Tennessee

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