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Don't Sweat the Small Shit

from Triage by Cfit

00:00 / 04:59
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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Recorded and mixed in Cfit HQ and Tidal Mansions by Noël Duplaa and David Cantan. Mastered by Richard Dowling at Wav Mastering. Artwork by StudioRed. Photography by Aidan O'Brien.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Triage via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €10 EUR or more 


  • Full Digital Discography

    Get all 6 Cfit releases available on Bandcamp and save 30%.

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Vs. Gravity, Throwaway Survival Machine, Dust Silhouettes EP, Coke & Spiriters (Viva Idiota remix), Morning Bruise, and Triage.

    Purchasable with gift card

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We tried really hard to keep the past under guard but it rose up and bit us. All those monsters that we kept secured under lock and key ganged up to go get us. We held down the fort for longer than we ever thought we could but we couldn't hold them off forever. When they came for our heads you turned your face to mine and said, "don't sweat this... I've got this one."

We thought the supports we put in place to keep us north of the lowtides wouldn't snap and collapse at the first hint of an attack leaving us in the landslide. So don't go where we know that there's no air left. Let's lay low so we both can recover ourselves from inside of these violent silences. When shit gets hectic, there's no need to sweat it. 'Cos I've got you.

On those days when the rain incinerates all it touches we'll just find a way to walk between the raindrops.


from Triage, track released April 1, 2011
Written by Noel Duplaa


all rights reserved



Cfit Dublin, Ireland

Cfit began in bedrooms and homemade studios, as a side project for Noël Duplaa evolved into a collection of woozy, bruised, melancholy anthems. Playing their first gig at Electric Picnic 2010 as a three-piece, Cfit expanded to a five-piece to play Hard Working Class Heroes 2010. They have been listed by State, Whelans, goldenplec and The Star as one of the most promising bands in Ireland. ... more

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