Blitzen Trapper gives me my hope back for rock music. Plus those of us who have seen and heard much less of it in the last decade. Here in PA, they don't play too many bands with talent, much less Indie Rock bands from Oregon unfortunately. Anyway, getting back to B.T's sound here, they sorta remind me in waves of what the Grateful Dead's best jam music sounds like, but wait, there's more, mixed with this at times the sonic spacey sounds of the Doves, and then add in a little Strokes megaphone effects for the singer occasionally, and lastly, blend in a touch of alternative country/folkly twang, and there you have it for their style. Not exactly what most bands could pull off with this much bravado-and bravo to them for achieving it wonderfully time and again. This is a band which deserves a huge following, and this album is my favorite of theirs. It's a must own for Indie-heads, or anyone who appreciates something fresh and new to the music scene.